POSotiation - Beyond NEGotiation

Traditional NEGotiation resuls in zero sum 100% / 0% Win/Lose and at best 50% / 50% compromise

 POSotiation can achieve 100% / 100% scenarios where the parties come together to create and share a much larger total pie.

is a whole new strategy and process to enable you to go well beyond traditional NEGotiation and its negative connotations and attitudes of bargaining, bartering, haggling, manipulating, exploiting, confrontation, competition, and compromise.

Trillennium developed POSotiation after many years of consulting experience with facilitated negotiation and seeing first hand its limitations and zero-sum nature.

POSotiation enables your groups, departments, and divisions to:
Meet in new ways to quickly and easily achieve greater synergy
Become less compartmentalized and reduce the division between divisions. 
Realize their tremendous hidden assets in a safe environment where information, beliefs, attitudes, and biases can be shared.
Evolve to new levels of creativity, innovation, and problem solving by objectively and rationally incorporating the best of two or more competing  philosophies, strategies, ideas, or designs rather than being forced into a 1/0 either/or decision.