Innovate Financially


Today's very conservative and traditional financial analysis techniques can only take you so far by not taking into account intelligence assets.

Go beyond the level playing field by utilizing Trillennium's 3rd Millennium New Perspective Financial Analysis Methods which enable you to better amplify your Intelligence Assets.


Improve Your Top & Bottom Line with Trillennium's
New Perspective Financial Analysis Tools & Methods

Today's financial analysis is limited to spread sheets and the traditional P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and other analyses. Trillennium has developed several ground breaking new ways to analyze your financial data - new perspectives to see previously invisible patterns and identify problems which can be fixed.

Better Leverage Your People - Increase Your Corporate IQ with Trillennium's Corporate Intelligence A
ssessment (CIA) Instrument.
A powerful proprietary measuring instrument to determine the cost and realized benefits of your triad of intelligence assets:

    1. Intelligence - data, unstructured text, undocumented tacit knowledge.
    2. Human skills and behaviors - processes, email, meetings, learning, sharing.
    3. Information Technologies - hardware, software, applications, intelli-bases.

We help you to Map how and where time is spent, Measure costs, and thereby  Motivate CEOs to take steps to better leverage their intelligence assets.

Increase Your Profits - Top & Bottom Line Force-Field Analysis
Unmask and manage many different internal (organizational) and external (competitors, customers, suppliers, government) opposing forces which push your top and bottom line up or down - diagram these factors to identify and increase the net up forces.

Go Beyond the Limits of Spreadsheets - Financial DynaGrams
Experience whole new ways to envision value add, cash flows, strategic business unit interactions, and marketing/sales structure to arrive at much greater insights for improving financial performance.

Justify Important Projects by Converting Soft ROI to Hard ROI
Many important strategic initiatives result in hard-to-justify soft ROI.  Trillennium will show you how to convert such soft ROI into hard ROI.  Vital programs can then be properly funded to achieve much-needed improvements and dramatic results.

Break Down Overhead Structures To Fairly Manage SBU P&L
Overhead expenses which started out as 15% decades ago have escalated to 35% and in some institutions have reached 65%-80%.  Strategic business units and internal profit centers can result in prohibitive internal costs and inhibit collaboration.  Learn how to reduce your difficult-to-categorize overhead and fairly attribute costs structure.

Profit From POS-Inferred Customer Profile Analysis

New ways of examining buying patterns from Point-Of-Sale data - particularly insightful in high volume retail and Internet sales.